
Cleaning and maintenance of textiles

The best ways to keep the fabric avoiding the depth and demanding cleaning is its proper maintenance. This means dirt easily removed with a brush rather than settle spillage immediately wipe and clean stains as soon as they appear.

Easy to clean

  • Brush the loose dirt
  • Prepare a cleaning solution of 60 ml of liquid soap / jar / and 3.5 liters of lukewarm water /max.38 ° C /
  • cleaning use a sponge or soft brush
  • Allow solution to soak into fabric
  • thoroughly rinse all soap residue
  • Allow the dry
    When washing in the washing machine, set the water temperature max. 40 ° C.

Cleaning stains

  • the stain lightly spray the manufacturer’s recommended cleaning solution / 303 AEROSPACE CLEANER /
  • sponge or soft brush to clean the stain
  • Thoroughly rinse all residues solution
  • dry sponge or cloth or vacuum up excess moisture / You can also use a vacuum cleaner for wet vacuuming /
  • Repeat these steps until the stain nezmyzne

Deep clean stains and mold

Designer fabrics we use do not support the growth of mold, mildew, however, may appear on dirt and other foreign substances that are not removed from the fabric.

  • Prepare a solution of 200 ml of bleach and 60 ml of spring to 3.5 liters of clean water
  • spray the whole area and allow seepage solution to fabric
  • soft brush or sponge the stain rub
  • Thoroughly rinse all residues solution
  • Allow the dry
  • If stains or mildew persist, increase the amount of bleach solution. When washing in the washing machine, set the water temperature max. 40 ° C.
  • Helpful Hints

    When using a bleach: protect the area around the cleaning of textiles, as a bleaching agent may discolour other fabrics that are not recommended by us. Make sure that you never use bleach completely washed all residues. Free fabric dries very fast. It is not recommended to dry in the dryer. If the fabric is creased, you can use the iron, but only the setting – synthetics. Some irons at the setting temperature of the synthetic exceeds the reference 40, it is therefore necessary to try to ironing of the small area of ​​fabric, which is not visible.

    NEVER Do not use the steam when ironing fabrics.

    The return water resistance fabric

    Textiles us have used a special modification of achieving their water resistance. This adjustment in normal use will last for several years, but may be renewed after a thorough cleaning or prolonged use. The manufacturer recommends 303 HIGH TECH FABRIC GUARD.

    Application 303 HIGH TECH FABRIC GUARD

    303-and should be used after each deep cleaning, which weakens the initial treatment and reduces water resistant fabric.

    • clean cloth any of the cleaning methods
    • free dry
    • 303-apply for the instructions on the container in a well ventilated area
    • Apply 303-uv thin layer and allow to air-dry fabric
    • Apply a second thin layer of 303-ky / two thin layers are more effective in restoring water resistance than one thick layer
      400 ml will cover up to 6 m2 fabric

    Treatment of wastewater

    If you choose to use the services of cleaning you should previously inform on their experience and sufficient knowledge of fabrics designed for outdoor use.

    DO NOT dry clean.

    List the most common stains – recommended cleaning solution

    • Beer – Spring 60 ml 3.5 liters of water + 90 ml vinegar
    • fruit – Spring 60 ml 3.5 liters of water + 120-230 ml of ammonia
    • bird droppings – jar 60 ml 3.5 liters of water
    • the dwell blood – jar 60 ml 3.5 liters of water + 120-230 ml of ammonia
    • Butter – acetone
    • charcoal, pencil marks – vacuumed, jar 60 ml 3.5 liters of water
    • ketchup and mustard – jar 60 ml 3.5 liters of water
    • Gum – acetone
    • Chocolate – Spring 60 ml 3.5 liters of water + 120 ml of ammonia
    • coffee – spring water + vinegar +
    • cola – Spring 60 ml 3.5 liters of water
    • Wax – bleaches, degreaser
    • juice – jar 60 ml 3.5 liters of water
    • raw egg – jar 60 ml 3.5 liters of water
    • atramet – bleaches, acetone, soapy water
    • Lipstick – bleaches, degreaser
    • mascara – bleaches, degreaser, jar 60 ml 3.5 liters of water
    • Mold – 2 dl bleach-jar 60 ml 3.5 liters of water
    • Milk – Spring 60 ml 3.5 liters of water
    • Nail Polish – acetone
    • Oil – acetone
    • color – bleaches, degreaser
    • shoe polish / liquid / – acetone
    • shoe polish / wax / candle – attach a hot iron over the towel, acetone
    • Sunscreen – acetone
    • Tea – jar 60 ml 3.5 liters of water
    • tree sap – thinner, jar 60 ml 3.5 liters of water
    • urine, vomit, watercolors – spring 60 ml 3.5 liters of water
    • Wine – jar 60 ml 3.5 liters of water + ammonia 120-230 ml + 90 ml vinegar
    • latex paint – wet – Spring 60 ml 3.5 liters of water
    • latex paint – Liquid – bleaches, degreaser


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This depends on several criteria such as the size, type of gazebo and the availability of materials from which it is made. In standard sizes, which are 400 x 400 cm, the delivery time is around 5-6 weeks.

The price of the gazebo and pergola includes final surface treatment, complete assembly at the customer’s turnkey location with importation.

The installation of an aluminum garden pergola takes 1-2 days, depending on the size.

The prices of gazebos are among the higher ones. It always depends on the additional equipment of the gazebo. Each one is a work of art with exceptional design and quality workmanship.

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