How to select a wooden pergola?

How to select a wooden pergola?

The lightly laced wooden pergolas usually decorate gardens or parks. Their structure is generally composed of a framework supported by simple poles or beams. The word “pergola” comes from the Latin term, Pergula, that means a drainpipe. As a kind of a gazebo, it can expand the house, can protect open terraces or attach two buildings. People often confuse pergola with the gazebo. The gazebo is generally a

covered wooden bench with wooden bars carrying creeper plants. The pergola, however, is much larger, more open and usually does not have seats. It is created of pillars and beams but does not have a roof or walls. A gazebo, on the other hand, is an open standalone structure with a pointy roof.

How to choose wooden pergola

Modern pergola

State-of-the-art wooden pergolas
Our state-of-the-art wooden pergolas are usually made of wood, vinyl, fibreglass, aluminium and PVC on brick or stone pillars. They are available for a broad range of prices from the most affordable to the most luxurious.
If you need the inspiration to find the best pattern for you, you are in the right place. If you want advice on how to arrange the exterior of your house – we have quite a few tips for you. Pergolas can be used for a range of means from relaxing, through partying to eating outdoors.

They fit perfectly with your house and make it cosier. A wooden pergola is usually the dominant element of a garden or backyard.


The wooden pergola is ideal for creeper plants. We can design your pergola specifically to accommodate plants by lessening the number of slats. Even a fireplace can fit into a pergola. The perfect solution is a built-in fireplace that is more attractive than the ones built of concrete panels.

How to choose wooden pergola

As each pergola is individually designed for the garden, we have to map every detail to build the ideal pergola.

  • Whichever corner of your garden you choose, harmony with the style of your house is a must. This is why you might want to spend sufficient time for researching the market and for detailed planning.
  • Do not forget to receive all authorizations and licences before the construction.
  • Make sure that the building material is suitable for exterior use. Metal pergolas are also available nowadays.
  • Although there are pre-fabricated modular pergolas, if you are not a handyman, it is better to use an experienced professional to build you one.
  • Ask for permissions and references.

Designing and building a garden is a fun a relaxing activity. Mazes, little cobblestone paths, lakes, fountains, colourful flowers and round trees on the sides of the path are all ingredients to make your garden amazing. At the end of the day, nothing feels better than enjoying a well-deserved rest in your own paradise.

Please, visit the “Product” page of our website. Contact us and we will come back to you as soon as possible.

Som majiteľom firmy Gazebo s.r.o, ktorá sa špecializuje na návrh a výstavbu exkluzívnych altánkov a pergol. Roky skúseností a práce s drevom som postupne nadobudol v zahraničí. Vďaka čomu som si po návrate na Slovensko priviezlol veľa nápadov a technologických postupov používaných pri výrobe, ktoré tu ešte neboli.


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Frequently asked Questions

What is the delivery time for an aluminum pergola?

This depends on several criteria such as the size, type of gazebo and the availability of materials from which it is made. In standard sizes, which are 400 x 400 cm, the delivery time is around 5-6 weeks.

The price of the gazebo and pergola includes final surface treatment, complete assembly at the customer’s turnkey location with importation.

The installation of an aluminum garden pergola takes 1-2 days, depending on the size.

The prices of gazebos are among the higher ones. It always depends on the additional equipment of the gazebo. Each one is a work of art with exceptional design and quality workmanship.