The best material for your pergola

5 reasons to build a pergola


Setting up a pergola is an excellent idea! It will decorate your garden, makes a whole range of activities possible, adds value to your property and protects you from heat, rain and snow. Selecting the right materials for your pergola is a complicated process. The well-constructed pergola will smarten up your house and garden. It can be covered with different materials and in different styles that all have their unique features that you need to take into account. It is up to you and your needs to decide which ones to choose.

To help you make the right decision all our materials go through complex tests and we understand their features. Let us have a look at them.

Wooden pergolas

The wooden pergolas create a natural and sophisticated atmosphere in your garden. Add value to your property and are cooler than other option. Their setting up is more difficult as we need to attach the elements accurately regardless of the unevenness of the ground and the walls.

Watch our guide to select a wooden pergola

Aluminium pergolas

Aluminium is the most flexible material in terms of design. It is stainless and needs minimum care. Ideal for those who prefer a carefree use.

Aluminium is extremely resistant to weather. So if you live at the seaside or on a windy hill, aluminium is probably the best choice. A wide variety of RAL colour coating is another attractive feature of this material as it makes attaching the pergola to a house easier and more esthetic.

Watch our complete guide to select your pergola.

At the end of the day, every material adds a positive feature, that you need, to the pergolas. The above aspects can help you make a decision.

Gazebo Pergola offers a unique selection of pergolas and pavilions at reasonable prices. You can see our completed projects at “Before and After” to have an idea about their differences and advantages that are important for you.

Som majiteľom firmy Gazebo s.r.o, ktorá sa špecializuje na návrh a výstavbu exkluzívnych altánkov a pergol. Roky skúseností a práce s drevom som postupne nadobudol v zahraničí. Vďaka čomu som si po návrate na Slovensko priviezlol veľa nápadov a technologických postupov používaných pri výrobe, ktoré tu ešte neboli.

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Frequently asked Questions

This depends on several criteria such as the size, type of gazebo and the availability of materials from which it is made. In standard sizes, which are 400 x 400 cm, the delivery time is around 5-6 weeks.

The price of the gazebo and pergola includes final surface treatment, complete assembly at the customer’s turnkey location with importation.

The installation of an aluminum garden pergola takes 1-2 days, depending on the size.

The prices of gazebos are among the higher ones. It always depends on the additional equipment of the gazebo. Each one is a work of art with exceptional design and quality workmanship.

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