How to choose aluminum pergola?

How to choose aluminum pergola?


The aluminium pergola is a metal-framed terrace or shed. The roof protects from sun or rain and can be made of fabric, glass, polycarbonate or aluminium.


These constructions can stand alone or can be attached to a house, a terrace or other building. They can be installed into private homes and also provide suitable cover for terraces of hotels or restaurants.


Aluminium is a widespread exterior construction material. Light and solid at the same time, stainless and needs almost no maintenance. Easy to work with and recyclable.

How to select

It mainly depends on the size of the space that needs to be covered and protected. If you only need shade, the micro-perforated fabric is the right choice for you. Transparent, solid roofs (such as the polycarbonate) protect from the rain and lets the sunshine into the terrace. The roof can be detachable or foldable.


  • light
  • corrosion-resistant
  • easy to maintain

Hogyan válasszuk ki az alumínium pergola Hogyan válasszuk ki az alumínium pergola

How to choose the aluminium pergola

How to choose the aluminium pergola
Aluminium pergolas with curtains are so attractive that it is a shame that we cannot enjoy them all year round.
Unfortunately, extreme weather conditions can damage its surface and that is why it’s best to dismantle them in windy weather and when summer passed.

Depending on their size, you can also furnish these pergolas. Drapes can be zipped. Simplicity and practicality make these pergolas very popular. The hooks attach the pergola to the ground. They are easy to set up and to dismantle.
Aluminium provides maximum flexibility in design the structure and the layout. Curves, poles and arches are just a few of the many options. Only your imagination can limit the possibilities.

How to choose aluminum pergola

Solution for every design and budget

Features and technical details:

  • Freestanding or structurally connected models
  • Custom-made following your needs
  • Easy to maintain
  • Easy to assemble – with instructions
  • Made with decorative welded ends
  • Includes stainless steel pergolas as well

Every aluminium pergola is handmade from premium quality aluminium parts for lasting quality. Our commitment towards quality can be seen in every aluminium products.

A solution for every design and budget

The wide variety of materials makes selection limitless. Gazebo helps you to implement a project that is right for your taste and budget. The wide range of prices and styles of our products meets all your demands. Visit the “Products” page of our website or contact us and we answer all your questions.

Visit the “Products” page of our website or contact us and we will come back to you as soon as possible.

Som majiteľom firmy Gazebo s.r.o, ktorá sa špecializuje na návrh a výstavbu exkluzívnych altánkov a pergol. Roky skúseností a práce s drevom som postupne nadobudol v zahraničí. Vďaka čomu som si po návrate na Slovensko priviezlol veľa nápadov a technologických postupov používaných pri výrobe, ktoré tu ešte neboli.

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This depends on several criteria such as the size, type of gazebo and the availability of materials from which it is made. In standard sizes, which are 400 x 400 cm, the delivery time is around 5-6 weeks.

The price of the gazebo and pergola includes final surface treatment, complete assembly at the customer’s turnkey location with importation.

The installation of an aluminum garden pergola takes 1-2 days, depending on the size.

The prices of gazebos are among the higher ones. It always depends on the additional equipment of the gazebo. Each one is a work of art with exceptional design and quality workmanship.

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