About Us

Establishment and establishment of Gazebo Pergolas

The very idea to offer customers in design and high technology wooden garden gazebos and pergolas was established some time ago.

Company GAZEBO – Exclusive garden gazebos established in 2009. Years of experience and work with wood have gradually acquired abroad. Thus they have after returning to Slovakia brought a lot of ideas and technological processes used in the manufacture.

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Owning something special! It has always been our goal and it allows you to get to know this feeling.

Exclusive projects

Works of art, which you can also view hundreds of times and the sight relieve your mind and you start more intensely aware of every single part of your garden gazebo and pergola.



Combine top quality materials, the most advanced technological processes with honest workmanship down to the smallest detail.


Fills you with confidence that you get the best for you. Disappointed and strengthen your confidence. Please check with us and we promise that you will not disappoint.



Montáž carportu www.gazebo-altanky.sk #hliníkový prístrešok #carport #prístrešok nad auto
6 0
Montáž hliníkovej pergoly Basic class 4000 x 2000 mm 1880 EUR vrátane montáže#hliníkové prístrešky#pergoly #hliníkové pergoly
8 0
Hliníková pergola Economic class viac na www.gazebo-altanky.sk #hliníková pergola #hliníkový prístrešok #pergola
6 0
Samonosný carport www.gazebo-altanky.sk #hliníkové prístrešky #hliníkové altánky #carport
9 0
Montáž hliníkových pergol #hliníková pergola #hliníkový prístrešok #pergola #pevné prestrešenie www.gazebo-altanky.sk
9 0
Samonosný prístrešok nad automobil #hliníková pergola #hliníkový prístrešok #pergola samonosná
8 1
Hliníková pergola Economic class www.gazebo-altanky.sk #hliníková pergola #hliníkový prístrešok #pergola
6 0
Drevená pergola Miláno viac na www.gazebo-altanky.sk #drevená pergola #drevený prístrešok#pergola#prístrešok
11 0
Hliníková pergola Top class s čelným a strešným tienením. viac na www.gagebo-altanky.sk #hliníkové pergoly #hliníkové prístrešky
8 0
Drevený pergola Fénix s mliečnym sklom #drevená pergola #drevený prístrešok #pergola
11 0
Hliníková pergola Top class prestrešenie lepené bezpečnostné sklo #pergola #hliníková pergola #hliníkový prístrešok #prístrešok
8 1
Drevená pergola Miláno #drevá pergola#pergola#drevený prístrešok
5 0
Hliníková pergola Top class #hliníková pergola #pergola#hliníkový prístrešok
11 0
Bioklimatická pergola s čiastočným zasklením #hliníková pergola#bioklimatická pergola #pergola #lamelová pergola www.gazebo-altanky.sk
15 0
Drevená pergola Miláno s prestrešením lepené bezpečnostné sklo. #drevená pergola#prístrešok#drevený prístrešok
9 0
Drevená pergola Rio Grande 2013 #drevená pergola #pergola #drevený prístrešok
13 0

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Frequently asked Questions

This depends on several criteria such as the size, type of gazebo and the availability of materials from which it is made. In standard sizes, which are 400 x 400 cm, the delivery time is around 5-6 weeks.

The price of the gazebo and pergola includes final surface treatment, complete assembly at the customer’s turnkey location with importation.

The installation of an aluminum garden pergola takes 1-2 days, depending on the size.

The prices of gazebos are among the higher ones. It always depends on the additional equipment of the gazebo. Each one is a work of art with exceptional design and quality workmanship.

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